Metaverse SpaceX Doge
SpaceX Doge is about to build its own ecosystem, where you can have a lot of experiences. SpaceX Doge will implement NFT transactions, SpaceX Doge SWAP, SpaceX Doge Game, and finally SpaceX Doge WORLD.
What is the SWAP
The benefits of Swap depend on the corresponding financial instrument. Specifically, two counterparts agree to swap their cash flows. These cash flows are also called a swap's legs.
The swap contract clearly defines the date and method of calculating the cash flows to be paid. Generally speaking, when a Swap contract is signed, at least one factor should be used to define a cash flow, such as interest rate, exchange rate, asset value or commodity price.
Cash flow calculations are based on a non-trading face value. Swap can set up a notional transaction because both parties can gain or lose directly from changes in the value of the underlying asset without having to liquidate the underlying asset.
Swap can also be used to hedge against risks, such as interest rate risk, or to speculate on the direction in which the price of something will change.
What is NFT pledge and how does it work
Pledging NFT is not much different from pledging Bitcoin (BTC) or Ether (ETH). Just get your cryptocurrency wallet ready and start your NFT journey. However, not all NFTS can pledge to earn rewards.
Specific requirements vary from project to project, and it is best to verify the requirements of the selected project before purchasing the NFT.
Where to pledge NFT? As of December 2021, most NFT pledges were made by earning games while playing. MOBOX and Zookeeper are good examples.
Some projects also develop NFT pledge functions on their own platforms, such as Binyan Fan token platform and Doge Capital.
MOBOX (MBOX) MOBOX is a game meta-universe that combines decentralized finance (DeFi) liquidity mining and NFT.
It was created on binan intelligent chain platform, and users can earn their native cryptocurrency MBOX by pledging NFT.
The MOBOX metasemes are called MOMOverse, and the NFT is called MOMO. MOMO can be minted, earned, or purchased through the NFT marketplace. Each MOMO property is different, with a randomly generated hash force.
By pledging the unique MOMO, the governance token MBOX can be mined. The more momos you collect, the more MBOX rewards you earn per day.
MOMO NFT is also available on MOBOX's partner platform, and NFT for collaborative projects is also available on MOBOX. For example, the user's PancakeSwap avatar NFT can be used directly in MOMOverse without detacking from PancakeSwap.
Not only do you earn CAKE pledge bonuses in PancakeSwap team battles, but you also earn MBOX bonuses in MOBOX games.
Last updated